29 March 2010

Things You Either Hate or Love, by Brigid Lowry OR The Power of Mono

This book demonstrates the power of a good case of glandular fever (which my research tells me is mono) and the loss of 4 kilos (which I believe to be about 8.8 pounds…my phone informs me that it is 8.818490 pounds).

Once upon a time there was a charming, entertaining girl named Georgia who liked to make lists and who longed to go to her favorite music group’s concert. She went out on a hunt to get jobs, hated babysitting, didn’t get invited to interview at a video shop, got fired from a bakery after attacking a coworker with a baguette (BEST scene in the book, as I’ve always been a firm believer that baguettes would make excellent weapons), and then worked at a supermarket where there was a holdup. She was also overweight, though her mother and best friend (who was on a one-woman mission to save the world) assured her that she was simply curvy. Georgia’s dad died when Georgia was about four, and her mom still hadn’t started dating again. Georgia’s aunt and uncle were also on the verge of divorce. AND said best friend went on a vacation, leaving Georgia alone for the holidays (which is when Georgia starts working the supermarket job). Georgia develops a crush on a boy who works with her, but for 9/10ths of the book this boy is taken by various others as far as Georgia knows. Another boy likes and tries to kiss Georgia, but she’s not interested. Oh, and Georgia’s favorite music group breaks up because two of the members are heroin addicts. Then Georgia gets mono.

Ahhh, mono, you are thinking to yourself, this is truly terrible, poor, poor Georgia. But you see, it is with the help of mono that Georgia manages to lose the oh-so important 8.818490 pounds, as she feels too sick to eat. Miraculously, Georgia starts dating the boy she likes, her mother talks to her about her father and also starts dating, her aunt and uncle move back in together, she gets a job she likes, her old best friend finds a new best friend who will change the world with her, and Georgia finds a new friend at said like-able job.


That’s it. I shall now lose that much weight (in a very unhealthy way wherein I will simply stop eating) and keep you all updated as to my life situation. I currently anticipate that I shall get a cute and intelligent guy who works with me to date me, I will get into all post-grad programs I applied to, I will be offered a job at my home ice rink, all my friendships will become picture perfect, and I will have a wonderfully normal relationship with my family, both immediate and extended.

If you know my extended family, then you know we will never, ever, be normal. It’s part of our charm.

As I promised, updates on how this life change goes will be forthcoming.

*Another reading is that she gets the boyfriend and that solves everything else. In that case, when I get a boyfriend I will also keep you updated as to how everything else in my life suddenly starts going well.

27 March 2010

What on earth is a burnt orange life?

Recently I was chatting with some friends, and one said, "I recently had a conversation about you and burnt orange."
"And what was the conclusion?"
"That you can wear it."
I wear a lot of burnt orange, and I frequently lament the lack of burnt orange clothing out in the world (the above friend says this is because no one else can wear it). So when the time came for me to start a blog, I decided to combine my love of anything French with my love of burnt orange in creating a title.

Since I am English major and a writing tutor, I know that introductions should tell the reader what one is going to discuss. So, reader, here are some things that are going to be in this burnt orange life:

1) A lot of Young Adult Lit discussions (or any literature discussions, really). I love YA Lit. I love giving my opinion about books, especially since I'm no longer taking any literature classes. I love literary criticism. I really really really love writing pieces of literary criticism about YA Lit.
2) My thoughts on the figure skating world. I'm a bit of a figure skating nerd. Just a bit of one.
3) Quotes from those learning how to figure skate. I collect them and will someday publish a book of all the best ones, but for now you can read them without having to purchase the book!
4) Stories that might have anything to do with French or Francophone culture. Said stories will possibly be presented mockingly, but I mock the French only because I love them. Also because they mock me right back.
5) Linguistics ponderings. I go back and forth deciding whether or not I want to get a PhD in Linguistics, but until I decide to go for it, all the topics I would be doing research on will instead be analyzed here.
6) Any successful obtentions* of burnt orange clothing.

So that's the plan. However, as I know from writing several hundred papers over the course of my life, I do not always stick to the plan from the introduction. Anything could happen!

*The word obtention is in the OED (more on the OED later), so as far as I'm concerned, it's a word. I was a bit disappointed, since I thought I'd made the word up, but at least I can cite the OED if someone tries to tell me that it isn't a word.